Mountain White-eye


Mountain White-eye

Zosterops montanus
Bulay-og (Negros Occidental)

The term “bulay-og” is an ilonggo endearment for an ass-hole! But I guess not too many knows that the word refers to a group of tiny mountain birds which include the white-eyes! 🙂

White-eyes are tiny birds that are usually confined in forested areas. There are two white-eye species that are very similar in their appearance. One is the Lowland White-eye and the other is the Mountain White-eye (as you can see in the photo). Even for experienced bird enthusiasts, identifying which name is correct for these two species can be very difficult.

But there is one ridiculous way to distinguish which one is the Lowland and which one is the Mountain. Guess what could be that distinguishing factor? I have always heard or read it being used by bird experts.

I have shot this bird in the grounds of Mt. Data Hotel, Bauko, Mountain Province @ 2240 meters above sea level. With the elevation, this could be a Mountain White-eye … or so they say! 😛

© Toto Gamboa